The COVID-19 pandemic has not only caused havoc in the world with health problems and restrictions on personal liberties, but now, most significantly on the financial impact to our County. During press briefings in May, Sheriff Villanueva alluded to this budgetary crisis, creating great controversy by suggesting the need to close Marina Del Rey and Altadena stations as well as other units within the Department. PPOA, upon hearing this information and the domino effect on our members, filed a Cease and Desist, demanding a required meet and confer.
On June 9, 2020, PPOA and ALADS met with Department representatives to discuss the Department’s concept of increasing the Cadre of Relief Personnel (CARP) program and the reintroduction of Temporary Overtime Reduction Assignment (TORA) process, to address anticipated budget shortfalls in the upcoming Fiscal Year (FY) 20-21. At that time, PPOA requested and will continue to demand specific information and implementation plans, which we have not yet received.
Additionally, the Department has notified PPOA of an anticipated need for a Department-Wide Job Fair due to the expected curtailments. Again, PPOA has requested specific information and implementation plans, with only limited information provided thus far. According to the Department, they are not currently prepared to provide curtailment requirements, nor deliver a list of affected members, as the final numbers for the FY 20-21 will not be released to the Department until June 29, 2020.
Upon receiving this information, the Department will need time to plan for the necessary cutbacks to the budget, identify units affected, and finalize the list of impacted members to be reassigned because of curtailments. At this time, the Department is expressing a desire to conduct a Job Fair on July 7 and 8. PPOA has already objected to these tentative dates realizing the massive undertaking of a Job Fair based on previous experience and past practice. PPOA also requested that the Department immediately announce a freeze to all promotions and movement to provide an accurate list of vacancies to the anticipated Job Fair.
On Monday, June 29, 2020, the Board of Supervisors will be conducting a special meeting related to the 2020-21 Recommended Budget for the County of Los Angeles. The Sheriff’s Department is expected to face up to $162 million in proposed budget cuts forcing significant curtailments. As of today, PPOA has not been provided any additional information regarding impacted members, positions, work locations, seniority lists or other pertinent information.
PPOA realizes that many of you will be understandably stressed regarding how the budget crisis will impact your career and future. PPOA is committed to and will demand a fair and equitable process regarding curtailments and will continue to work to ensure that no PPOA members are laid off during this unprecedented time.