This afternoon, Los Angeles County Supervisors voted 4-0 to initiate a plan to close Men’s Central Jail within the year. PPOA President Tab Rhodes addressed the Supervisors during the public comment session and urged them to consult with PPOA and our public safety counterparts while thoroughly assessing the complexity of this undertaking.
“My name is Tab Rhodes, I am President of the Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers’ Association representing 9,200 County family members. I have worked Men’s Central Jail and in Custody Division throughout my career and I can attest to you that this jail is far from optimum for the health and safety of the inmates OR ANY county employees. However, as I have discussed with each of you individually, the need for a jail facility in the downtown area is a key factor in the local criminal justice system and a benefit to the citizens of the community. MCJ is needed at this point to provide wrap-around services of rehabilitation not currently available at other remote jail facilities of the county, ease of visits for community members to visit their incarcerated loved ones, specific housing for high security concerns, and centralized access to the downtown courts. Should Men’s Central Jail be considered for closure, collaborative and constructive conversation with willing public safety members such as PPOA would be appreciated to ensure the safety of our community and the families of Los Angeles County.”
Despite an overwhelming majority of public comments expressing concern and frustration about the planned closure, the Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of the proposal co-authored by Supervisors Hilda Solis and Sheila Kuehl directing an existing task force to map out what would be required to close Men’s Central Jail within the year.
Click here to read more about today’s vote to move ahead with the closure: