Story courtesy of TSB Facebook page (June 17, 2021)
Hey!! It’s #throwbackthursday and this week we go #backtothefuture !!!
35+ year @lasdhq veteran Commander Judy Gerhardt called it a career a few years ago. During her time within the Department she worked several high profile assignments, including helping to guide young careers as the Personnel Administration Captain and keeping you safe when you #gometro as one of our Commanders at #lasdtransitservices .
Well, she’s back, as the newly appointed Chief, System Security and Law Enforcement for @metrolosangeles Although her title has changed, her mission of public service remains the same. Helping us all to do our best in whatever job we do, and keeping you safe, when you ride!!
- In the bottom pic, you see Judy on her graduation day from the Sheriff’s Academy, receiving her certificate from then Sheriff Sherman Block. Of interesting note, she’s flanked by her brothers, sisters, in laws, and cousins, who were also deputy sheriffs or police officers.
- Top pic is Commander Judy during a press event on the #metro E Line in 2016.
Welcome back Ma’am. We missed ya!!!