This week, PPOA, along with ALADS and the other unions of the County Coalition of Unions (CCU) continued impact bargaining negotiations related to the proposed COVID-19 vaccination policy. PPOA, as an organization, is an unyielding advocate during these negotiations, fighting for all of our members regardless of personal beliefs or positions on this issue, as due process was bypassed, and your rights to employment are being challenged.
The PPOA Board of Directors is following a legal, political, and collaborative strategy with our labor partners, ALADS, and the other members of the CCU. We have thoroughly researched legal options and opinions from the top legal defense attorneys utilized by our coalition partners (FOP, California Coalition of Law Enforcement, Southern California Alliance of Law Enforcement, Peace Officer’s Research Association of California) and monitor numerous lawsuits nationwide for any nuggets of knowledge which may adjust our strategy.
The COVID-19 vaccination mandate issue has caused more confusion between the Chief Executive Office, County Departments, the unions and our members, than any other concern in recent times. The Board of Supervisors set direction which the County Departments do not have the resources to accomplish by October 1. The CEO’s negotiators present information from the Department of Human Resources which is complex, convoluted, and sometimes incorrect. The Sheriff has said “I must state my belief this is a labor issue which must be worked out between the unions and the Board of Supervisors.” Who at the County can provide clear direction? This is the problem.
PPOA is doing our best to provide membership with the best information available. The problem is, there is very little! Negotiations are slow going, lengthy, and far between, as scheduling with the County is difficult based on their negotiations with other unions also.
Please be patient as this confusion is generating voluminous inquiries. PPOA will continue to provide factual information as it develops. Should you have any questions or concerns not being addressed, be sure to email PPOA at