On December 6th, PPOA was informed by membership of newly enhanced efforts of Sheriff Villanueva to obtain compliance with the COVID-19 mandate registration. The Sheriff’s Department has created a standardized Performance Log Entry (PLE) template under the direct instruction of Sheriff Villanueva.
Members who have failed to register within the Fulgent system and/or the Department’s “internal” tracking system are being served with the attached PLE (click to view) requiring registration within 48 hours or face “formal discipline.”
PPOA OPPOSES this unilateral action by Sheriff Villanueva.
When the Department notified PPOA of the “internal” tracking system, a Meet and Confer was immediately requested. Prior to the issuance of these PLEs, PPOA had repeatedly requested a Meet and Confer with the Department both in writing and in a personal request with Sheriff Villanueva from President Rhodes.
When notified yesterday of the PLEs, President Rhodes immediately contacted Employee Relations and later Undersheriff Murakami, again demanding a “cease and desist” to the issuance of PLEs pending the requested (and required by law) Meet and Confer. This afternoon, Mr. Murakami, after discussing the issue with Sheriff Villanueva, notified PPOA that the Department will continue with the issuance of PLEs, effectively ignoring PPOA’s bargaining rights and the rights of our members.
In response, PPOA has asked our legal counsel to prepare an Unfair Labor action against the Department, to be filed by the end of the week.
Additionally, should you, as a member, receive a PLE from a supervisor/manager as described above, PPOA’s recommendation is to write “REFUSED” on the signature line, obtain a copy of the PLE, and immediately email the document to info@ppoa.com. PPOA will be gathering all of these documents on behalf of impacted members for purposes of filing a group grievance, and providing a suggested written response to the PLE.