Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay

PPOA is proud to announce that we'll once again be partnering with ALADS in support of the annual LASD Homicide BBQ on Sunday, March 24th! Details will be emailed to […]

B2V BBQ Hosted by Homicide Bureau, PPOA & ALADS

Sunset Parkway Business Center 3301 West Martin Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, United States

You are invited! Come enjoy a friendly crowd, good food, refreshments and music.  For more info, send email to

LASD Retiree Roundup

Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino 1650 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, NV

Gather with 1,000 of your closest friends at the LASD Retiree Roundup. If you plan to go, don't forget to join us on Tuesday, April 9th on the poolside patio […]

PPOA Delegates Meeting

Luminarias, Monterey Park

Eligible delegates: RSVP to (323) 261-3010