Let’s pray that the light at the end of the tunnel we call 2020 is not an oncoming train.
With Measure J looming and the ongoing animosity between the Sheriff and the Board of Supervisors, employees and public services could become collateral damage.
With the pending closure and curtailment of Parks Bureau and Pitchess South Facility, it’s clear that Department employees will be hit by the ricochet of political grandstanding and an unrelenting failure to seek a compromise for the betterment of the Department, the Board and the County they both serve.
We will soldier on because that is what we do and what we have always done — through media criticism, civil unrest, a pandemic and a deteriorating view of law enforcement as a whole. We go 10-8, and the jails and the stations continue to run without major issues.
The hope is that people “smarter” than us (because their rank says so) will work out an amicable partnership that is beneficial to all parties. Where our partners are not targets on the streets for doing their jobs, and we can establish confidence within the community that there are good men and women of high moral character on this Department, sworn and non-sworn, who want similar things out of life: peace, safety, civility and to raise their children without fear or judgment.
For C/As, the beat marches on. We had our first wave of officers who have received their CCW permits. A long grind of meetings, gaining acceptance, justifications and outlining a process is now bearing fruit. Congratulations to you and to those currently in the process.
If you are having issues, questions or uncertainty about anything regarding CCWs, please let me know so that we can communicate those with the CCW unit and resolve them as soon as possible.
With that said, I must emphasize this again: You cannot carry on duty! It is against Department policy. So, to those who drive as part of your duties or go on an authorized chow run, do not carry your firearm with you.
I also recommend that you look into concealed carry insurance as a way of protecting you, your family and your assets. Here is a list of some of the more highly regarded options. These companies are not endorsed by PPOA, and we do not have any agreement or working relationship with them. These are what I found while doing research throughout the process of getting a path towards a CCW in place:
- U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
- U.S. LawShield
- Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (ACLDN)
- CCW Safe
- Second Call Defense
Again, these are just companies for you to assess and make your own personal decision as to what best fits your needs. Like auto insurance, we have it, yet we hope we never have to use it.
In closing, as COVID-19 continues to be prevalent in our personal and work lives, our monthly meetings with the Department have also been affected. For now, gone are the face-to-face meetings and in their place, teleconferences. Not that business cannot be done, but I believe in personal interaction when making a presentation and working out the best possible results.
We’re hoping to return to that format soon. But be assured that any concerns of the membership and the classification will be addressed regardless of COVID. Because if you’ve ever seen the movie, What About Bob? you understand that COVID is Bob.
I hope I have given you information, connectivity and a sense that your union is working for your best interest. That has been my goal from day one. There are always bumps in the road, but the promise isn’t of a smooth journey, but a safe arrival at your destination.
Let your professionalism be your words, and with your blessing, I will continue to be your voice. Take care. Be safe.