Happy new year! As we begin 2024, PPOA’s most important resolution is to prepare for and begin negotiations in good faith with the County of Los Angeles for successor Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) to PPOA’s existing 2022–2025 MOUs. PPOA is the exclusive bargaining unit (B/U) for thousands of employees of the Sheriff’s Department, District Attorney’s Office and Coroner’s Office (Department of Medical Examiner). PPOA is the only union that can negotiate for their wages, hours and working conditions, and only PPOA members have the right to ratify a potential contract. PPOA negotiates under the mandate of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act and receives its exclusive representation status from that state law and the Los Angeles County Employee Relations Commission (ERCOM).
PPOA’s first negotiations process in 2024 will be for B/U 612 (LASD/LADA: Sergeants and Lieutenants). The current 612 MOU expires January 31, 2025. All B/U 612 employees will receive the third and final salary adjustment (3.25%) of the current MOU effective July 1, 2024. Well before this date, the PPOA 612 Negotiating Team for a successor MOU will be in place, as negotiations are set to begin no later than October 15, 2024.
Like the previous MOU negotiations, B/U 621 (LASD: Civilian Investigator, Court Services Specialist, Crime Analyst, Custody Assistant, Law Enforcement Technician, Public Response Dispatcher I, Public Response Dispatcher II, Public Response Dispatcher Specialist, Supervising Public Response Dispatcher, Security Assistant and Security Officer) will start after B/U 612 is at the bargaining table, thus becoming PPOA’s second negotiations process in 2024. The current 621 MOU expires March 31, 2025. All B/U 621 employees will receive the third and final salary adjustment (3.25%) of the current MOU effective October 1, 2024. Well before this date, the PPOA 621 Negotiating Team for a successor MOU will be in place, as negotiations are set to begin no later than January 15, 2025.
PPOA’s B/U 614 (Coroner and LASD: Criminalist, Criminalist Lab Technician, Forensic ID Specialist I, Forensic ID Specialist II and Senior Criminalist) will begin their negotiations process later in 2024. The current 614 MOU expires on September 30, 2025. All B/U 614 employees will receive the third and final salary adjustment (3.25%) of the current MOU effective October 1, 2024. B/U 614 will begin negotiations no later than June 14, 2025.
PPOA’s B/U 631 (Coroner: Coroner Investigator and Trainee Coroner Investigator) and B/U 632 (Coroner: Supervising Coroner’s Investigator I and Supervising Coroner’s Investigator II) will begin their negotiations process later in 2024. The current 631/632 MOU expires September 30, 2025. All B/U 631/632 employees will receive the third and final salary adjustment (3.25%) of the current MOU effective October 1, 2024. B/U 631/632 will begin negotiations no later than June 1, 2025.
Each of the four PPOA MOUs are available for members to view at PPOA.com. All active PPOA 612, 621, 614 and 631/632 members are strongly encouraged to make sure that PPOA has your personal, non-Department (LASD, LADA or DME) email address in order to receive negotiation updates and contract communications. If you are presently not receiving the Saturday morning Week in Review email, then PPOA probably does not have your personal email address on file. Please send it to info@ppoa.com.
In addition to the above salary bargaining tables, 2024 will also include fringe benefits negotiations between the Coalition of County Unions (CCU), which includes PPOA, ALADS and 13 other unions (coalitionofcountyunions.com), and the County of Los Angeles. The current 2022–2025 Fringe Benefits MOU (available to view at PPOA.com) expires March 31, 2025, with negotiations set to begin no later than December 31, 2024.
It is once again imperative that the Board of Supervisors recognizes and addresses one of its most urgent fiscal priorities: the superior economic and fringe benefits successor MOUs for its represented workforce who will be at the bargaining table with the County of Los Angeles in 2024.
May the coming year bring our active and retired PPOA members God’s blessings, good health and the fulfillment of your dreams.