Hello, troops, how is everyone doing? As we sweat through the hottest months of summer, please be sure to stay hydrated.
Hopefully, all union members are reading the PPOA Week in Review every Saturday and are aware that we have not yet come to an agreement on a new Unit 621 salary contract. We are still negotiating the terms and are doing all we can to bargain for a fair contract. We’ve met with executives from the County and the Sheriff’s Department, and it’s a tough fight to bargain for improvements. Make sure to check your email for news from PPOA. I will also post on Facebook when I can.
By the time you read this, the County Services Bureau job fair should be concluded and everyone should be in a hard spot. I know this process was overdue and should have been resolved a long time ago. Unfortunately, a number of pitfalls and difficulties caused delays. Thankfully, business should now resume. We are planning to set up monthly and/or quarterly meetings to address any concerns.
With the new Community College Bureau contract, some campuses have added personnel and others have lost personnel; but I hope by the time you read this, the job fair is done and all members have chosen a spot. The new contract requires Sheriff’s personnel to wear Department polo shirts, and you will be receiving those. Meanwhile, we will try to set up quarterly meetings with College Bureau to make sure we are all in agreement on how PPOA and the Sheriff’s Department can work collaboratively to take care of the contract and all members assigned to that Bureau.
By now, all PPOA members should be aware that PPOA has endorsed Sheriff Villanueva, and I hope each and every one of you speak on his behalf. If you can tell 10 people and pass on the positive effects of Sheriff Villanueva’s actions, please do so. Along those lines, please be informed and try to attend PPOA delegates meetings. The more informed you are, the better resource you’ll be for your partners.
Many assignments have been experiencing shortages. As we go through the year, make sure to look out for the well-being of each other. The County has taken 2,500 Sheriff’s Security Officer applicants to begin the process, so stay tuned for more information about progress. I will pass along information as I receive it.
Make sure to go to Logistics and get fitted for the protective vest. The more people get fitted, the quicker the turnaround to get it taken care of. If you are having issues regarding this, please advise and let me see if I can help.
PPOA is currently in negotiations on a new Fringe Benefits contract. This bargaining is done collectively with the Coalition of County Unions. Your fringe benefits include medical coverage, vacation, holidays and more. As I get more information on these negotiations, I will pass it along.
Make sure you keep up to date on your perishable skills — everything from learning your location or assignment to knowing your cross streets in case you need backup or assistance. I want each and every one of you to go home safely at the end of your shift.
Early in July, I was able to attend the 22nd annual PPOA Fishing Trip (see photos on page 18). I hope next year we can have a larger turnout. It was a good time, and it was a change of routine from the hectic work schedules. For more information about the 2023 trip, make sure to check out future issues of Star & Shield magazine.
We have come across some setbacks regarding a potential change to a new uniform color, but as I gather more information I will share it with you. Don’t despair, there has been miscommunication prior to me being your elected director.