Good afternoon, troops. It’s been a busy few months, to say the least. Our Bargaining Unit (621) is now immersed in salary contract negotiations with the County. As I can, I will share information with you. But just know that as a Unit 621 Director on the PPOA Board, I will always fight for you and what is fair for all of us. You elected me to this seat, and I handle that responsibility to the best of my knowledge and experience.
On to the important news … We are currently working on the proposal for the Sheriff’s Security Officer and Security Assistant uniforms. I will advise you once the proposal has been completed. Stay tuned for the next article for news of any progress on that front. For those of you who didn’t read the prior article, the majority of members who completed the survey requested to proceed with the Department’s green uniform shirt and green pants.
You elected me to this seat, and I handle that responsibility to the best of my knowledge and experience.
We are still looking good for the renewal of the College Bureau contract. I will share developments with you as soon as they occur.
How is everyone doing with the Multiple Interaction Learning Objectives (MILO) training? Also, how is everybody doing on your gear exchange? I know some have had expired pepper spray, so make sure to request the new one. You never know when you might need it! For any other gear needing to be exchanged, make sure to fill out Form 558 (equipment exchange).
We are closer to reaching an agreement with the job reassignment fair. I totally understand the frustration and exhaustion of getting told one day you’re working in one location and the next day another location. The rising cost of fuel has compounded the problem. I feel for each and every one of you.
I spoke to training and scheduling personnel, and I saw the email regarding gear exchange (pepper spray). In regards to other gear needing replacement, make sure to fill out Form 558. On a follow up regarding Tasers, please know that the cost and feasibility are being addressed. Once I get more information, I will pass it along.
I was happy to get an opportunity to speak to those of you at Homicide Bureau — please keep me posted if there’s anything you need.
I was able to visit your training location recently — hopefully, the information I shared was helpful. I know some of you work in the DTLA area and asked about the parking cost that was increased. I listened, and we have brought it up at Fringe Benefits, so as I get more info, I will pass it along.
The hot weather is kicking in — make sure to have your gear ready and be safe. It may sound obvious, but you need to stay hydrated all day! Some people have asked about the Parks Bureau contract, and as I get more information, I will pass it along.
For those of you who haven’t read the PPOA Week in Review, make sure PPOA has your personal (non-LASD) email address. Stay informed by checking out that email every Saturday morning.
Congrats to all Sheriff’s Security Officers and Assistants who have reached retirement this year. Best wishes to each and every one of you. Make sure to enjoy it and keep us posted on how it’s going.
As a member of the PPOA Legislative Committee, I want you to know we are monitoring Assembly and Senate bills that are beneficial to our classifications, as well as those that may be negative in any way. Also, please keep me posted if you are on IOD. Not for the purpose of status, but if there is anything I can do (or PPOA can do) to assist you, that is what we are here for.
PPOA is continuously monitoring what the County is doing with COVID-19-related mandates. We have PPOA attorneys handling this matter, and we make every effort to keep members informed with email updates. Again, please monitor your personal email account for news affecting your career.
Thank you for your time. Stay safe, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Also, if it’s your time to qualify with your firearm, please do so.