PPOA Board Secretary Custody Assistant, LASD
A true discussion is when both sides are listening to understand, not just listening to reply.
Lately, we at PPOA have had discussions where listening to understand has brought about results or is trending toward a path for improvement for custody assistants.
Recent talks with the Department have resulted in the transfer list being made available so those who have it can see where they are on the list and can make adjustments based on their current circumstances as opposed to the circumstances of when they submitted.
These meetings also have led to serious discussions about our station jailers. A recent assault at Marina del Rey Station points out that we can no longer operate on the single-jailer platform. It is just not feasible, especially with the responsibilities that increase with every mandate from an outside entity.
No one seems to care how it gets done, just as long as you get it done.
One jailer told me, “They are setting us up for failure.”
If the jail sergeants, lieutenants and captains faced discipline for late checks, failed inspections or incidents in the jail, then would there be concern? A sergeant recently told the same jailer, “I don’t care about the jail.” That’s inexcusable. I will update you on this.
Now, some good news. The Audit and Accountability Bureau has continued its tour of the County reviewing the C/A position. Several have expressed the thoroughness in which the visits are conducted. They recently spent three hours at South L.A. Station, with additional stops at NCCF and Twin Towers. Their attention to detail is appreciated. I have been asked what this will do. First and foremost, it is written documentation of what you actually do without the fluff words of “assist” or “aid.”
I believe it is the first assessment of the position since its inception some 30 years ago. Most of us know the position has evolved; but with that evolution, basic negotiations were ignored — so were tools of the job and fair financial packages as they relate to the job being done and the ever-expanding role of our classification.
Lastly, CCWs are still in discussions. Custody training officer bonus pay for C/As is still tied up as Pay and Leave struggles to get codes and paperwork right from facilities, but remember your T.O. bonus pay is retroactive to October 1, 2018.
Remember, if you have any questions regarding what is going on, issues at your unit or clarification on anything about our position, including benefits and services available to members, please reach out. Thank you.
Take care. Be safe.