Since its inception in 1951, PPOA has been fighting for its membership — both retired and active. In fact, one of the very first fights for PPOA’s founders was the quest to improve the retirement system. Some of PPOA’s fights are newsworthy, some get ugly, some are controversial, some are less than victorious and many of them improve the quality of life for more than just our membership. But they are all fights worth fighting. The confrontations take place in union offices, at headquarters, in the Hall of Administration, in Sacramento and in Washington, D.C. The list of battles waged by PPOA (amongst friends or on our own) on behalf of our retirees is too long for this page, but here are a few examples:
- Ventura II
- Pension protection
- Remarriage bill
- Workers’ compensation
- HR-218 federal legislation
- DMV confidentiality
- Peace Officers Bill of Rights
- Gun bill amendments
- 4850 lawsuit
- Sewards v. IRS lawsuit
- Medical presumptions (heart, back, cancer, etc.)