Unfortunately, this month’s article begins with solemn news. Fellow Sheriff’s Security Officer Robert Ford Sr. passed away unexpectedly on May 1, 2022. The 27-year LASD veteran had been assigned to Metro Court for the last 25 years. He actually began his career with the L.A. County Marshal’s Office before coming over to the Sheriff’s Department during the merger. I had the pleasure of working with Officer Ford when I was a Security Assistant and later as a Security Officer. He was a pillar of experience, and his knowledge of Metro Courthouse was outstanding.
Officer Ford is survived by his two sons. Rest in peace, sir. We will continue to keep the public safe in your honor.
With that being said, always look out for each other. Even though this Department is very large, it can still be a close-knit family. For those of us still working and doing the Lord’s work keeping the buildings, colleges, parks and fellow co-workers safe, you’re doing a great job — don’t ever forget that.
As we head into summer, our bargaining unit (621) is still in contract negotiations and we have many proposals on the table. These proposals would help our classifications (SSO/SSA) now and in the future, so let’s see if the County will agree to them. As we move forward with negotiations, PPOA will keep everyone informed via these articles and the Week in Review email sent to all members every Saturday morning.
I met with the Uniform staff for a roundtable discussion. At that time, I received some information that must be addressed. Once I receive more information, which I have requested, I will provide another update.
As I write this article, I have been told the Department’s contract for L.A. Community Colleges has been extended for five years, and that’s awesome news. But I also heard some information about the job specifications, and we will make sure they are within your job’s duties. We also want to ensure that all parties involved are treated fairly. More information to come…
We have sent a tentative agreement to Employee Relations regarding the job fair, and we hope to hear soon as to how we will proceed. Everything from employee seniority to assignment openings will be addressed, and through every step I will be there for each one of you.
We are kicking off the summer months with an influx of patrons and the addition of Parks After Dark and vaccine sites. We have our hands full, but rest assured, the public and patrons see we are visible and are here to keep the public safe. I hear some training is on the horizon. That’s a good reminder to brush up on your skills. Use the tools taught at other assignments and make sure to apply them when needed.
Once contract negotiations are done, I will visit you. AV College personnel are not at all forgotten. Officers Salazar, McConnell and Hicks possess a wealth of knowledge and have tons of experience. Officer Salazar and I talk and keep each other informed about issues as they occur.
I have heard from numerous people that the Courts are running short on Sheriff’s Security personnel. We have an upcoming meeting, and we will be looking at that topic and talking about a possible Academy class in the future. I will keep you informed.
In case you are not aware, I sent a message to your respective Training and Scheduling supervisors about the protective vest. I know some people have gone to Logistics to get fitted. The quicker we get this followed through, the quicker we can get everybody outfitted. I have also requested the Department to send out an email regarding the vest fitting. So, please try to go and get that step started.
As I write this article, we have some co-workers in the hospital, and I wish them a speedy recovery. Please keep them in your prayers.
As some of you are reaching retirement time, please keep me informed if you host a luncheon or a get-together. I would like to attend.
For those of you who haven’t been reading the PPOA Week in Review, make sure PPOA has your personal (non-LASD) email address. Stay informed by checking out that email every Saturday morning.
As a member of the PPOA Legislative Committee, I want you to know we are monitoring Assembly and Senate bills that are beneficial to our classifications, as well as those that may be negative in any way. Also, please keep me posted if you are on IOD, not for the purpose of status but if there is anything I or PPOA can do to assist you — that is what we are here for.
For those asking about the 4850 time, we are gathering information as to how other classifications received it and how the state interprets it, and we will be addressing it at an upcoming PPOA Board planning meeting with our legal counsel.
Given the recent events and attacks on law enforcement, make sure to look out for each other and be safe. Please email me at ggarcia@ppoa.com with any comments or concerns.