My name is Tab Rhodes, and the PPOA Board of Directors elected me president on June 13. All I can say is thank you.
- Thank you to PPOA for being the organization that protects its members within the confines of legislation and bureaucracy to the best of its abilities.
- Thank you to the Department for the honor of being a member of the most prestigious law enforcement agency in the world, and the benefits it has brought me and my family.
- Thank you to the PPOA Board of Directors for believing in me enough to bestow upon me the honor of being president, following in the footsteps of some fantastic past presidents and great human beings such as Art Reddy, Jim Vogts and, of course, Brian Moriguchi.
- And finally, thank you to God, my wife and my family for supporting my efforts and giving me the opportunities to grow professionally, and in turn, the ability to support the members of the Department and PPOA.
Recently, the Board of Directors also took the opportunity to round out the conference table by appointing two new members to fill vacant positions. Please welcome Commander Carlos Marquez (vacancy created by the promotion of Patrick Jordan to chief) and Lieutenant Ryan Vienna (vacancy created by the recent retirement of Sergeant Jim Schallert) to the PPOA Board of Directors.
These are interesting times in law enforcement, society and, of course, the Department. Sheriff Villanueva and I worked together just six years ago as lieutenants at CRDF, and now we are both in positions to enhance the professionalism of the Department and improve working conditions for its members. Alex has his vision of improving the Department through extended field experience and formal education. PPOA also supports dedication to a higher level of professionalism for Department members and cultivating support to and from the community we serve. Additionally, however, PPOA has a primary responsibility to protect our members from arbitrary practices of management, no matter how well intended. Only through communication, mutual respect for each other’s positions and adherence to fairness can true improvement be achieved.
My goals as president are simple: protect the rights of PPOA members while working with Sheriff Villanueva during these tumultuous times of transition; provide a positive relationship between PPOA and the Department, balancing the human factor with the needs of the Department; expand communications with other labor groups that in turn will strengthen our position to protect our members; and continue to stem the flood of legislative knee-jerk reactions regarding pension reform.
Internally, as an organization, the Board of Directors would like to focus on a few priorities, including participation and enhanced member services. While it is always great to “hear” from the members, the new Board would like to welcome you to participate. Monitor our communications through our mobile app, Facebook and our website (PPOA.com). Calendar and attend PPOA events. Become a delegate. Volunteer at a Star & Shield Foundation charity event. Talk to a Board member. You may be very surprised at how supportive PPOA is once you have firsthand knowledge.
During the next few years, the PPOA Board has agreed that the expansion of member services is a high priority. Our insurance agency, while successful, has experienced a rocky start due to some unscrupulous partner brokers who were more interested in personal financial gain than providing quality products to our members. To this end, PPOA will be dedicating efforts to cleaning up our own insurance agency practices, identifying new product options and obtaining internal resources to keep our business in-house. Additionally, PPOA hopes to expand the Uniform Store catalog, offer firearm and ammunition sales, enhance financial advisement opportunities, and provide retail member discounts and even possibly car sales.
My first article as president would not be complete without a nod to past President Brian Moriguchi. After 10 years of dedicated service to the members of the Professional Peace Officers Association, Brian resigned as president, citing health concerns. Thank you to Brian for his many years of service to PPOA and the Department, providing this organization with expanding ideas and programs, stability and leadership and giving the new Board of Directors a foundation upon which to build. Brian stated he planned on staying longer but felt this was the right time to leave. “It has been a great pleasure and honor serving the PPOA membership over the years,” he said.
“I have complete confidence in the new leadership and the Board of Directors.” As the longest-sitting president of PPOA, Brian is known nationwide for his efforts and contributions to PPOA, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the law enforcement community. Thank you so much, Brian.