One of the best benefits we have going as retirees is our health care benefits. They have changed significantly over the years, and the County is even thinking of changing the plan further for new hires moving forward. One thing I am hearing about recently is the different coverages in different states for Blue Cross. I am researching this, but I am being told that the benefits in other states don’t match the ABC California benefits. It gets so confusing when you move out of state, I recommend everyone considering moving from California in retirement to make an appointment with the LACERA benefits people.
You also need to discuss Medicare when you are turning 65. There is a window to enroll that you cannot miss. There are options as well, including which supplemental plan to choose. I am told some people can enroll in Medicare and keep their BC2 plan until they hit the cap, then switch to BC3. Again, everyone’s situation may be different but you can see the confusion. It gets very confusing and I highly recommend talking one-on-one with someone at LACERA to get the most from your plan.
If you are in Blue Cross with the cap, there is no good news there, yet. The County still has not changed the cap. For those eligible for Medicare, when you enroll in Medicare you can get Blue Cross 3, which has no cap, and that becomes your secondary insurance to Medicare. You need to look at what you have, where you live, what you are eligible for, and talk to the experts. Do not delay with these conversations if you are getting close to the Medicare age.
In 2014, the County really gutted the medical plan for those hired after that point. Spouses dropped off medical all together. It was terrible. I can’t imagine what is coming in the third tier, and I truly hope the County unions look closely at what is going on.
There are a couple important dates coming up, including PPOA’s 22nd Annual Pre-Labor Day BBQ (August 30) and the PPOA’s 19th Annual Retiree Luncheon (November 7). I highly encourage retired PPOA members to attend both of these events. The PPOA barbecue at Biscaliuz Center usually has a large showing of active members and a handful of retired members, but that may be simply because retirees have been unaware they could attend. It’s a free lunch and you get to mingle with hundreds of active members from all classifications — probably some you worked with or trained back in the day. The event includes free giveaways for PPOA members, and it’s always a great time.
Until next month, take care and be safe.