PPOA Retiree Liaison
LASD Retired
This month, I received a couple of my first emails from retirees, and I would like to say thank you for reaching out. I look forward to meeting more of you as time progresses.
I recently had surgery (my last of many, I hope), and I look forward to soon attending some luncheons and functions in order to develop an agenda of what you, the retirees, want PPOA to focus on. I admit it is hard to change hats in some areas. I see or hear things the “active” members are dealing with and it makes me cringe and instinctively pick up my pencil to jot down notes for my next article. But I have to stop and remind myself, “That’s not my thing now.”
So, what is my thing now? Well, fellow retirees, please work with me on this. I am new to this game. I get the daily emails from Moon Mullen (a fantastic retired deputy appreciated by so many of his peers!), so I see some of the issues, but not all of them. I am asking retirees to reach out to me with the issues they think PPOA should focus on. What issues do you have? Medical insurance is key and is being looked into. Social Security windfall is another. What other topics should PPOA address? It can be anything that comes to mind, including, I dunno, root beer drinking fountains.
Over the next several months, I look forward to meeting many of you and sharing stories and ideas. I know this is a short article, but I am trying to keep focused, and as many of you know from my past writings, sometimes I cover many topics in one article. You can get ahold of me by emailing me at jschallert@ppoa.com or by calling PPOA at (800) 747-PPOA.
I want to close by saying, so far, even with medical procedures, retirement is pretty cool. Let’s see how we, together, can make it even better!