Week in Review – 6/13/20
Week in Review: June 6, 2020
Emergency Schedule Overtime Guide – PPOA Files CEASE AND DESIST
Week in Review – 5/30/2020
Week in Review – 5/23/2020
Week in Review: 5/16/2020
Week in Review: 5/9/2020
Free COVID-19 Testing for LA County Essential Workers
California Streamlines Workers’ Comp for Essential Employees
Yesterday, an executive order was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom to effectively streamline workers’ compensation claims for essential employees who contract COVID-19.
- Removes burdens of access to workers’ compensation for all employees risking their health and safety to deliver critical services outside their home during the statewide stay-at-home order.
- Creates a time-limited emergency workers’ compensation benefit (rebuttable presumption) that COVID-19 was contracted at a workplace.
- The presumption will stay in place for 60-days after the issuance of the executive order.