Memorial reimbursements, Dispatcher honors and more…
Memorial Reimbursements Available to PPOA Members
PPOA is proud to announce that your association will issue a reimbursement up to $250 for full members who attend the upcoming 2023 California Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony in Sacramento.
All members are strongly encouraged to attend the candlelight vigil on May 7th and the memorial ceremony on May 8th to help honor the service and sacrifice of our fallen brothers and sisters. Click here for a list of the honorees.
Reimbursement eligibility is limited to the first 10 full dues-paying, active PPOA members who call the union office to register. Following the event, each eligible member must submit receipts for hotel and travel expenses to PPOA for reimbursement.
If you plan to attend the memorial ceremony and would like to be eligible for reimbursement, please call PPOA at (323) 261-3010.
Week in Review – 4/8/23
B2V, LA County Local Advocacy and more…
Week in Review – 4/1/23
Proposed schedule change, meeting with Sheriff and more…
Week in Review – 3/25/23
LT Exam, New Security Officer Class and more…
Week in Review – 3/18/23
Meeting with lawmakers, security contract and more…
Week in Review – 3/11/23
Meeting with Sheriff, C.A. graduation and more…
Week in Review – 3/4/23
Pandemic update, Custody LMC and more…
Week in Review – 2/25/23
Meeting with County Supervisor and more…
COC Meeting re: LASD Budget Priorities
On Thursday, March 2, the Civilian Oversight Commission for the LA County Sheriff’s Department will host a virtual conference to discuss the Sheriff Department’s Budget Priorities & Unmet Needs for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. This conference begins at 9:00AM and will bring together County leaders, law enforcement professionals, community partners, academics and members of the public to discuss the County’s budget process as well as the Sheriff Department’s budget priorities and unmet needs. The ultimate budget decisions rest with the Board of Supervisors.
Speakers will include:
- Jamon Hicks, Civilian Oversight Commission member & Budget Ad Hoc Committee member
- Sheila Williams, Senior Manager, L.A. County Chief Executive Office
- Jill Torres, Assistant Sheriff and Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
- Melanie Ochoa, Police Practices Director, ACLU of Southern California
Three ways to tune in:
1. Participate: Register & join the Webex via computer or smart phone. Enter the information requested & the event password: COC123
2. Watch: Tune into the Facebook Livestream.
3. Listen: Call (415) 655-0001 and enter the access code: 2592 740 7893